HHS PA Executive Meeting 4/15/21
Present: Erin Ratner (President), Megan Coryat (Secretary), Sophie Winborne (VP) Christopher Minnick (Treasurer), Klara Naszkowska (VP) Stephanie Assuras (Secretary)
Absent:), Marisa Castagno (President)
Do we have account to pay for app, Christopher will call Chase see if EIN number, if not, use the Friends account to pay
Make PA to make non profit once someone on Friends
School pictures email
Waiting to hear back from Charles about family
Companies to facilitate donations, once we are nonprofit this will be easier
We don’t want to take money from some companies
Create list of co we don’t want to work with, then approach co we do want to work with
Send letter with this question, plus do people have connections
Letter with intention and purpose of how we would use money
Had grant from Whole Foods for gardening
Think of initiative, here are some idea, healthy eating, money for assistance, etc, present to general PA
Language class
Predominant monolingual Spanish speaking adults in our community
Could help involvement with Spanish speaking family
Possible grants for this? Discussed language enrichment versus dual language curriculum
Any ideas for Sing-Along? Mr. Johnnie asked, talk show?
Ask parents to do something
Virtual talent show featuring parents
Ask ?? how she would do this given her experience
Other ideas like multicultural fair, cooking competition?
Next General PA meeting Friday 4/16 after Sing-a-long.
Next PA Executive meeting 5/13 at 12pm.